Friday, January 30, 2015

Winter Weather Effects Students Lives

By Curtis Tallmadge
Husky Herald Reporter

  It’s that time of the year again, January, the time when we usually get the most snow and the most severe cold weather.
  It’s that time when the roads are covered in snow and ice with temperatures that are below freezing. We can always hope for a snow day, but those can be far and few between, so how do the students of Port Huron Northern deal with this dilemma?
  For a lot of students, they are standing outside in sub-zero weather occasionally waiting for their school bus to arrive, depending on how quickly the bus is going that person could be outside for a very long time.
  Then there are other students who either drive themselves or get driven to school, they don’t have to worry about standing in the cold, but they do have to worry about the condition of the roads, especially if they live on a back road that doesn’t get plowed or salted. It can be a difficult drive for some students depending on where they live.
  “I live on a main road that gets plowed and salted pretty regularly and even if it didn’t, my truck has four-wheel drive so I would  have no problem getting to school in some really severe weather,” said Russell Tenbusch (‘15).
  “I have to get out of my house and walk to my bus stop at around 6:30 in the morning, it’s a pretty long, cold, walk every morning, and sometimes I end up waiting a very long time for my bus. It’s pretty annoying when it’s as cold as it is out, I end up wearing a lot of layers that I have to take off when I get to school because it’ll be too warm,” said Travis Sparks (‘15).
  “I get driven and picked up from school by someone everyday so the weather doesn’t affect me personally, I live on a main road so it’s usually cleared by the time I have to leave for school,” said Jason Russell (‘15).
  It is important to dress warm and drive carefully during these couple months when we have severe weather, it is always better to arrive late then to not arrive at all.

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