Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Students Riot Over Muffin Ban

By Sarah Vanderheuvel
Husky Herald Reporter

  This year there were several changes that happened at Port Huron Northern High School. One of those changes was the placement of a ban on the sale of muffins and other unhealthy foods.
  There are both drawbacks and benefits to this new rule. While the ban does encourage a healthy lifestyle, it also limits student’s personal choice and freedom.
  I interviewed Port Huron Northern students to find out how they felt about this new rule.
  Some students have had a very hard time adjusting to this new policy. Junior Kathryn Shaw (‘16) demanded, “ I want muffins back.”
  “I think its very unfair that they decided to stop selling muffins,” said Shaw. “I am in high school and I should get to choose whether or not I eat healthy foods.”
  Sophomore Colby Nabozny (‘17)  has the same opinion as Shaw. “I don’t agree with the ban on all the unhealthy foods.”
  “I especially miss the muffins because when I was running late and had to skip breakfast, I knew I could depend on them for a morning snack,” said Nabozny. “For the record, the double chocolate muffins were my favorite.”
  Junior Rudy Nowakowski(‘16) also said “Bring the muffin mob back. The ban on muffins was an absolute disgrace.”
“So what if the muffins weren’t the healthiest snack?”
  Everyone loved the muffins and the special education classes got to see the joy and smiles on their peers’ faces when they sold their product,” added Nowakowski. “It was a benefit to everyone at the school.”
  However, senior Marie Mullally (‘15) had a different opinion. As president of Students for a Healthy America, she actually agreed with the new rule.
  “I think it’s a great way to encourage healthy eating habits. High school is where we prepare ourselves for the rest of our lives, and that means that we need to prepare ourselves with good eating habits as well,” said Mullally.
  “I think the school is just trying to help us. Plus, if you really don’t agree with the ban you can always still bring food from home,” added Mullally.
  We will have to see if the students’ views will impact the continuation of this rule in future rules.

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