Friday, January 16, 2015

Seniors Make Tough Decisions

By Anu Nandi
Husky Herald Reporter

  Some will go off to college. Others will join the military, or the workforce.
  The future is quickly approaching, and seniors have some important decisions to make that will easily affect the rest of their lives. The Class of 2015 has been struggling with the reality of leaving the bubble they've lived in for four years.
  Several students have already submitted their college decisions. Gabby Bynum (‘15) immediately sent off her enrollment deposit as soon as she was accepted to Michigan State University.
  “It feels like a relief knowing that part of my life is completely decided, at least for the next four years,” Bynum said.
  Michigan State University was the most applied to college in Port Huron Northern this year, according to college-access coordinator Mr. Murphy. Almost a hundred applications were sent in.
  Others are waiting to receive offers to continue high school athletics in college. Two members of Port Huron Northern’s star track team have already signed to Division 1 and 2 colleges, while three others still wait for offers.
  Kenzie Shell will pole vault at the University of Oklahoma and Brad Mallory will run at Oakland University.
  Members of Northern’s volleyball and basketball teams wait for offers as well, as Brenna Murphy and Becca Richards have also made plans to continue their athletic careers.
  Some students still face the fear of waiting for their dream colleges to send out acceptances. Nerves have set in for several seniors.
  “I’m definitely scared about my future. It’s nerve racking when you get deferred and you can’t plan anything while you wait,” said Jessica Ankley (‘15).
  Other seniors have quickly realized the error of not applying to safety schools and had rapidly been sending out more college applications before their January 1st deadlines.
  Some students are also joining the military and others have chosen to continue their future by working.
  While some students rejoice for their newly decided futures, parent begin to worry about letting them out of the house.
  “My mom is honestly freaking out about sending me to the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)! It’s only a two hour drive, but for parents it’s a rapid adjustment as well when their first child leaves for college,” said Megan Burns (‘15).
  Students have been applying for scholarships like crazy as soon as FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) came out on New Year’s Day.
  Wherever the future may take them, Port Huron Northern’s Class of  2015 will continue to strive in life and plan for the road ahead.

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