Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ferguson Talk Spreads Through School

By Kelsey Alexander
Husky Herald Reporter

It has headlined almost every TV station and newspaper in the nation. The Ferguson riots over the death of Mike Brown. 
These riots are taking place because a young officer, Darren Wilson, shot a suspect of a convenience store robbery six times. Eye witness reports and evidence seem to be conflicting the case and confusing the nation.
It looks as if the nation is divided into three groups at war.
One group, in summary, believes that Mike Brown was murdered on reason of race and the officer who shot him deserves justice. Another group thinks that the case was handed fairly and the officer was defending himself.
The last group seems to believe that the facts are too unclear and that there really isn’t enough evidence to form a case against the officer in question.
So it seems only ideal to see how the young adults, the future of our generation, feel about the riots being held.
“I think the riots are a little extreme but I think it’s great that people are actually recognizing that racism still exists and are doing something about it,” said Artez Hadley (’15).
Others like Garrett Corry agree with Artez. “This is just the beginning of another racial movement,” said Corry (’15).
The other extreme viewpoint seems to be taken mostly by adults.
“The whole situation is getting out of hand,” said Mr. Jamison, “Innocent people’s property is being destroyed.”
You can find a few students that agree with Mr. Jamison though.
“What is going on in Ferguson is not okay. The officer was doing his job and people are blinded by the hearsay, not the actual cold, hard facts,” Said Tommy Lees (’15).
Most students have chosen the grey area however.
“I believe that people need to stand up for what they believe in but not at the expense of other happiness,” said Tina Nandi (’15).
“There are ways to do this (protest) peacefully,” said Varun Nandamudi (’15).
All and all students are pretty diversified in their opinions on these riots taking place. We can only hope that peace is brought to the streets of Ferguson soon, whether it is justice for Mike Brown or Darren Wilson.

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