Friday, February 27, 2015

Mock Trail Team Soon to Go to Regional's

By Sarah Vanderheuvel
Husky Herald Reporter

  Many students do not know we have a mock trial team here at Port Huron Northern or what mock trial even is. However, this does not stop the members of the team from putting in tons of time and hard work.
  Mock trial is exactly what it sounds like. It is a practice court case that allows students to further dive in and learn about the legal system.
  Members of mock trial have been practicing since November to prepare for the regional competition on March 7th. They must have both a prosecution and defense team.
  Senior Heaven Powell (‘15) is president of mock trial and one of the few returners from last year’s team. She was a star attorney at last year’s competition.
  “I have done mock trial for the last two years. It has been a great learning experience and I know it will look good on my college applications,” said Powell.
  “I’m really excited for the regional competition. I think we’re going to do well and I can’t wait for all the new members to see what an actual mock trial competition is like,” added Powell.
  Junior Garrett Lance(‘16) is one of those new members. “Before this year I never even knew what mock trial was.”
  “Now that I’m part of the team I think it is really interesting. I’m glad everyone on the team is so welcoming and helpful,” said Lance.
  “I am confident that we will do well in regional's. I’m not nervous because we have all prepared and I know my material,” commented Lance.
  Freshman Jena Peyerk(‘18) is another one of the new members this year. When asked why she wanted to join mock trial she responded, “It seemed like a great way to meet new people and get involved.”
  “It also seemed like a good way to see if I would be interested in pursuing a career in the future that has to do with law.” added Peyerk.
  The mock trial team has worked really hard for the last few months and will represent Port Huron Northern well at the regional competition.

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