Wednesday, February 4, 2015

New ACT Policy Shakes Up PHN

By Kelsey Alexander
Husky Herald Reporter

ACT week is a sacred week for virtually all high school grades except the juniors.
  Each March the juniors are given 3 days to complete standardized tests given out by Michigan. The freshman and sophomore grade levels are only to complete one day of testing.
  As for the seniors, they virtually get those three days off. Or they used to.
  This year it is a requirement for all students to attend these days. All students will be required to be here for the last three hours of the day.
  Mr. Barden has told us, “I’m unsure of the exact times you are to come in but it should be around 11:30 and  you will be coming in on Tuesday for the first three hours and on Wednesday the last three hours.”
  A lot of students are really angry with the principals and blame them for these extra days. The principals aren’t the ones to blame.
  You can blame the state government. These extra days were put into effect because of legislation that was passed in October.
  This year’s senior class will be the first that is required to come in for ACT Week. So obviously, seniors were upset about this.
  “It just kind of stinks because we went through the first three years of testing and don’t even get the benefit of a break our senior year like past seniors,” said Tina Nandi (‘15).
  Some seniors are so upset that they are protesting this required school day.
  “I’m just not going to come in, it is going to be pointless anyway. We’ll sit around and watch movies in every class,” said Avery MacDonald (‘15).
 It was actually impossible to find a senior that was not disappointed with this change. However, freshmen didn’t seem too upset.
  “I don’t really care because I would have had to come in anyway,” said Anna VanderHeuvel (‘15).
   How do the teachers feel about these additional days?
  “Changing this so sudden is really annoying, mostly because I’m expecting a lot of kids to skip or be exhausted from exams, so I can plan any really valuable lessons,” said Mr. Marchione.  
  All in all coming in for those two days is quite annoying but won’t be the end of the world.

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