Friday, March 27, 2015

Northern Seniors Prepare for Graduation

By Sierra Pauley
Husky Herald Reporter

  Only a couple of months until the big day for some of the students here at Port Huron Northern. A day that awards and recognizes years of hard work.  A day that we all have to be prepared for in high school, that day is Graduation day.
  The day comes fast, and there is some things you should do before the big day.  So what do you have to do to be fully prepared for graduation?  The first big thing you must do to graduate high school is of course to pass your classes.
  Passing your classes requires time and dedication. You must complete your homework to be successful in the class while being able to  dedicate a couple of hours to homework so you can be an accountable student.
   The next thing you have to do to graduate is make sure all of your library fines are paid off. I asked Mr. Wing, who is the head of the library, what we can do to get rid of the overdue fines from turning in books late.
  Mr. Wing said, “All you do is come talk with me, I have sent out a code to previous students in their emails to void all of their late fines if they had all of their textbooks turned in.”
   I asked some students what they’ve been doing to prepare for graduation. The first person I asked was Tina Nandi(‘15). I asked what she had to do before the graduation day, and she said “ I have to find and pick out a white dress and heels to wear under my gown, I also just turned in my money for all of my cords.”
   The last person I talked to was Emma Prax(‘15). Prax said “ the things I’ve been working on is first I turned in my cord money, then I have been staying on top of my school work, and just recently me and my parents have been talking about Open house dates for me, I took my senior pictures in the summer so I’m covered on that part. Overall I would say I’m more than ready for graduation day.
  There are many different things you have to do to be prepared for graduation and students, and teachers here at Port Huron Northern are in the process of finishing the year the right way.

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