Monday, January 25, 2016

Test Strategies Used To Ace Tests

By Ashton Wimbury
Husky Herald Reporter

  The dreaded part of school that basically every student cannot bare is testing.  There are multiple test strategies students can use in order to ensure a good grade.
  “I make sure to start studying a few days before a test,” Erica McClelland (‘16) said.
  Studying is the best route to go.  A lot of the time students are instead  distracted by other things and push studying off to the side.  Although taking the time to look over the content that is to be on a test is the best option, since it can help students’ memorization.    
  Testing can put a person under a lot of pressure, considering they are usually a large part of a student's overall grade in a class.  The stress that students receive from tests can greatly affect the grade results.  
  “I try to not let the nerves of testing get to me,” Mike Mahaffy (‘16) said.
  It is best to try to focus and carefully observe the questions being asked on a test.  Sometimes rereading the questions can help to ensure an understanding of what is to possibly be the answer.  
  If you are an individual that struggles with testing and just simply in  need of help, group studying may be a good idea.  Group studying can allow students to work together and share their different tactics they use to get the best grade possible.  
  “For some classes, I study with my friends so that we can quiz each other on what we need to know for a test,” Abby McClelland (‘18) said.
  Studying by yourself or with friends, does not work for everyone.  Typically, if both strategies do not work, tutoring is a great option.  
  Tutoring is provided for free by our school’s  National Honor Society, as well as there being different tutoring programs outside of our school.  It can help students be prepared for when a test comes around.  Tutoring can help a student more thoroughly understand the content, instead of possibly having to cram information just a few days before testing.
  Preparing for a test can take different strategies because people have divergent ways of making sure they have the grade that they want.   You just have to find the right fit.

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