Monday, January 25, 2016

Senioritis Plague Swarms Northern Students

By Sophie Reinhard
Husky Herald Reporter

  Senioritis is a rare disease that only high school Seniors can contract. Symptoms of this disease include, but are not restricted to: laziness, irritability, and being late for classes.
What is Senioritis? It is when Seniors become lazy and stop caring about their grades, appearance, or classwork.    
  For the most part, Senioritis only really sets in when the individual has been accepted to and has committed to a university of their choosing.
  There is a very thin line that seniors have to be careful not to cross, because if they completely fail their classes during the rest of their Senior year after acceptance, there is a possibility that the college they have been accepted to may withdraw their acceptance. That is the most common mistake that people make their Senior year.
  Colleges do not want to accept people that are not dedicated to finishing something until the end. By analyzing Seniors’ grades after acceptance, they are able weed out the people who do not have a good work ethic.
  Senioritis can occur at any point in an individual's Senior year. It usually is at its worst after Holiday Break, where students get two weeks off in the middle of winter.
  One of two reasons why Senioritis sets in after Holiday Break is because the school year will be over in only five months for Seniors at that point, and after three years of hard work in High School, they are too tired to continue. The other reason why is because most seniors think, despite what administratives tell them, that after a certain point into the second semester, the Seniors’ grades stop being taken into account.
  All Seniors count on this piece of information so they know they only have to get through a certain point in the second semester and then Senioritis can really kick in.
  With all of these factors put in, Senioritis is especially noticeable during the end of the year.

  Can you blame them? All the seniors can think about is their graduation party and hanging out with the friends over the summer for the last time and getting packed and heading off to a huge university by themselves. They are eager to get their lives started and can't really be bothered with high school work they would not affect them in the long run.

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