Monday, January 25, 2016

Archery Club Comes to Port Huron Northern

By Corey Wilczynski
Husky Herald Reporter

  Port Huron Northern will be opening a new Archery club that will take place every other Monday, starting January 4th, 2016. This club invites any students that shoot archery or that hunt and would like to keep in tune through the winter months.
  Never shot before? That’s okay, come check it out at Blue Water Sportsman's Club. Mike Wilczynski, coach and founder of the club will tell you all about the sport.
  The club is working on getting other schools around the area to compete with Northern in the future. As of now  students can shoot at targets and compete with friends.
  “I’ll be more than happy to help out any kid who wants to try archery.” Mike Wilczynski said. Mike has his own Archery shop and has taught many people to shoot in the past.  
  As of now kids will shoot at 10, 3-D targets, three times to give a total of 30 shots. They will score all shots at these animals.  
  “We’d like to have as many kids shoot as possible so we can hold competitions within the club with all shooters.” Mike said. Shooting will start at 5:30 and run until 8:00.
  Students do not have to stay for the whole time, once they are done shooting they may turn their score cards in and leave.
  The club’s goal is to get students involved in archery and to keep other archers involved through the winter months. Any student is welcome to join! If you’ve never shot before that’s okay. Come on out and learn all about the sport!   
  Please remember even though this is a club, there will be absolutely no bows, arrows, or any archery equipment allowed on school grounds.
  This equipment is to be brought from home to the club. Not to be brought to school under any circumstances. If you have any questions please see the main office.

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