Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Continuing of the Baccalaureate Tradition

By Trevor Lumpkins
Husky Herald Reporter

   This spring Port Huron Northern and Port Huron High are coming together to create a special ceremony to acknowledge seniors who are Christians. The Port Huron City class of 2014 has a lot of potential to help this area grow and prosper.
   This ceremony is called Baccalaureate. This is a ceremony to recognize the accomplishments that these soon to be graduates have completed.
   These students believe that without God in their lives they would not have been able to complete this journey. These four years would have been a lot harder without the good Lord helping them along the way.
   Ted Harvey is one of the leaders helping to set up this special night. Ted has been a part of Baccalaureate for over 20 years.
   “Every year we do this event it gets better and better. Each year is different and amazing in their own way,” said Harvey.
   Also helping out with Baccalaureate is Gordy Farnsworth. Gordy has been helping out with this night for many years.
   “This night is all about the students and we want to keep it that way. Whatever the students have to show, whether it be a skit, a song, dance, or even digital design, they will have a chance to show how the Lord has worked or blessed them in their lives,” said Farnsworth.
   Already there has been a lot of interest in students being involved in Baccalaureate. Emily Torres has already said she would like to sing in ceremony.
   In past years Baccalaureate has been a great success. The building is packed and there has always been a great turnout.
   Even though each year is different “we like to keep at least a little tradition” says Harvey. One thing that Ted likes to keep the same is having a pastor come and be the key note speaker.
   This speaker is not picked by being the “best speaker” or the “best pastor”. This person is picked by the students.
   If there is a senior that is involved with the event that has a parent who is a pastor, that is the person who is picked to be the speaker.
   Baccalaureate has been a great success in the past and “we hope to keep it going strong for future generations. We don’t want this to HAVE BEEN a great event; we want it to continue to BE a great event,” said Farnsworth. 

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