Friday, May 9, 2014

Students Misusing Resources, Are Cheating Their Selves

By Thomas Saura
Husky Herald Reporter

  I can’t think of a better feeling than walking into your classroom and seeing you’re going to the computer lab. Oh man, comfortable seats with internet access in a different environment, plus there’s a good chance of no boring book work!
   Teachers go out of their way to come up with interesting and engaging lesson plans to make their extremely dry and plain subject a bit more intriguing. Whether that’s a simple flash game on the internet or some lengthy web quest, it’s all in good intentions to make your lives a little less dull.
   So I do not understand when some students get mad or upset that their teachers expect them to actually work. Too many students that are scheduled in the computer lab waste time by goofing off on the internet playing games, watching videos on YouTube, rolling around the computer lab to visit with friends, etc.
   It seems like some students heavily take advantage of the situation, treating it as an hour of “fun-time”. Last time I checked, you come to school to get an education, not to look up last week’s episode of your favorite web series.
   I am not saying it’s wrong to socialize and that everything needs to be consistent work, because there is time to socialize and catch up and do things you enjoy, but assignments come first. If most the kids in the class are working on their assignments and you decide to goof off with two or three friends, not only are you distracting the other students and wasting the time your teacher is giving you, but you’re cheating yourself.
   Now you’re going to have to work on your project on your personal time, when you could be doing things you actually enjoy, not some lame project you’re cramming in at 10 pm Sunday night. Now I can not write this without any blame, I have been there too, I think we all have.
   No one likes to do things last minute truthfully, it just stresses you out and gives you that much more of a burden on time. Just use the time appropriately so you d not tick your teacher off and irritate yourself later, it is not that difficult.

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