Friday, May 23, 2014

PHN Celebrating the Oscars

By Jon May
Husky Herald Reporter 
   Mock elections are an award ceremony held by the school that is given to the student population. The Mock elections are voted by the student population for the student population.
   The thing about mock elections is that they are class specific, meaning that the elections only occur within the given grade, but are awarded to each graduating class. These awards may include things like; best dressed, most likely to succeed, separated at birth.
   These elections occur every year and each year they are different. However this year the accounting class had something different in mind. They decided to come up with a PHN themed Oscar night.
   What are the Oscars you ask? The Oscars are a world renowned award show in which Hundreds of famous actors are given awards based on their performances.
   At PHN this is the first year that someone has ever thought of pursuing the idea of a mock election that ran through the whole school. Some of these awards were even given to teachers!
   The voting that happened was also different. First Jerrod Black, the staff member in charge of the PHN Oscars, decided to write all of the awards on the piece of paper. Then students would write down the students they believed worthy of the award.
   The different part about the PHN Oscars was that, after all the nominations were placed, students and teachers would then go online to vote between 4 given nominees. The winners would be announced at the award ceremony.
   The PHN Oscars award ceremony was the first of its kind. It occurred on May 7th, 2014 in the PAC at 6:00 pm. There was also a red carpet walk at 5:15 and an after party from 8-11 pm.
   Students had mostly positive reactions to the PHN Oscars. Taylor Humphrey (’14) said, “I surprisingly really liked it”.  Humphrey also said, “I enjoyed seeing all the students who won the categories, plus the awards were really cool!”
   Another student, Joshua Stepke(’15) also attended the first annual PHN Oscars. Stepke said, “I thought the Oscars were pretty well done. I went for the experience and because I got nominated for the Most Swag award.”
   The trick about being nominated in the PHN Oscars is that, if you were nominated you had to show up and receive your award. Otherwise your award would be given to the runner up, however if none of the nominees were to show up, then the award would once again be given to the first place winner.
   Even though this was just the first PHN Oscars there is no doubt that, due to the popularity and response of the students it won’t be the last.

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