Friday, May 23, 2014

PHN Celebrating the Oscars

By Jon May
Husky Herald Reporter 
   Mock elections are an award ceremony held by the school that is given to the student population. The Mock elections are voted by the student population for the student population.
   The thing about mock elections is that they are class specific, meaning that the elections only occur within the given grade, but are awarded to each graduating class. These awards may include things like; best dressed, most likely to succeed, separated at birth.
   These elections occur every year and each year they are different. However this year the accounting class had something different in mind. They decided to come up with a PHN themed Oscar night.
   What are the Oscars you ask? The Oscars are a world renowned award show in which Hundreds of famous actors are given awards based on their performances.
   At PHN this is the first year that someone has ever thought of pursuing the idea of a mock election that ran through the whole school. Some of these awards were even given to teachers!
   The voting that happened was also different. First Jerrod Black, the staff member in charge of the PHN Oscars, decided to write all of the awards on the piece of paper. Then students would write down the students they believed worthy of the award.
   The different part about the PHN Oscars was that, after all the nominations were placed, students and teachers would then go online to vote between 4 given nominees. The winners would be announced at the award ceremony.
   The PHN Oscars award ceremony was the first of its kind. It occurred on May 7th, 2014 in the PAC at 6:00 pm. There was also a red carpet walk at 5:15 and an after party from 8-11 pm.
   Students had mostly positive reactions to the PHN Oscars. Taylor Humphrey (’14) said, “I surprisingly really liked it”.  Humphrey also said, “I enjoyed seeing all the students who won the categories, plus the awards were really cool!”
   Another student, Joshua Stepke(’15) also attended the first annual PHN Oscars. Stepke said, “I thought the Oscars were pretty well done. I went for the experience and because I got nominated for the Most Swag award.”
   The trick about being nominated in the PHN Oscars is that, if you were nominated you had to show up and receive your award. Otherwise your award would be given to the runner up, however if none of the nominees were to show up, then the award would once again be given to the first place winner.
   Even though this was just the first PHN Oscars there is no doubt that, due to the popularity and response of the students it won’t be the last.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Students Need to Buckle Up

By Thomas Saura 
Husky Herald Reporter

   In 2012, a little over 25,000 people died in car accidents across the United States. Some of these deaths were inevitable in such horrible accidents; however, a majority of these fatalities is due to one thing: not wearing your seatbelt. 
   When I sit in a car, my first instinct is to buckle up. I found out how important that decision is last week when a friend and I were involved in a multiple car crash.
   I’m not going to go into detail of the crash, but here’s the gist of why my seatbelt saved my life. When one of the cars hit into our car, they smashed into the passenger side where I was. With me having my seatbelt on, it prevented me of whip lashing across the car and back, to which I would have impaled into the shattered up door.
   The driver and I came out unscathed from the crash, even with there being no airbags. In the exact moment of the crash, all I could think was “thank god I have my seatbelt on”
   I see too many highschoolers, and even adults, not putting on their seat belts for no reason. I don’t understand why you wouldn't use it; it’s a safety feature that can save your life.
   Granted no one expects to get into a car crash, it’s not something you plan out before you step into your car. That’s why it’s called an accident though, it’s unexpected.
   In 2009, 53% of people involved in a fatal car crash were not wearing their seat belts. You are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a car accident if not wearing a seatbelt (Center of Disease Control and Prevention).
   Numbers don’t lie people, and these numbers are scary. That is just too large of a percentage, is the odds really worth taking?
   Fortunately, the percentage of seat belts that has saved lives has risen 500% since 1971, going from 50,000 up to a little of 250,000. Even with the heavy rise, there are still far too many people not wearing their seat belts.
   So do yourself and everyone around you a favor, wear your seat belts. It might just save your life.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Girls Soccer Preparing and Succeeding During their Season

By Alex Budd
Husky Herald Reporter
   Port Huron Northern has a variety of talented soccer players at all three levels; Freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity. They all work their hardest and try their best from tryouts all the way to the end of the season.
   Try outs are very nerve racking because each and every person trying out loves the game and would be devastated if they did not make it. “I was a bit nervous for tryouts... But they got me really excited for the soccer season.” Said Brooke Huellet (’16).
   After making the team, each athlete was very excited for the soccer season and was looking forward to many things. “I was looking forward to the games and getting to know the girls better and becoming a better player for the future” Said Huellet (’16). “I am very excited to see my team reconnect with everyone and win!” said Sophie Reinhard (’16).
   The girls train very hard to reach their goals and strive to win, “When we train we do a lot of running and a series of combination plays at a game speed so we know what to expect when we play.” Said Reinhard (’16).
  Port Huron Northern’s players stay positive and encourage each other, “I think our team will do amazing this year because we are stronger and better as a team!” said Reinhard (’16).
   Every team, and each team player has their struggles but they work hard to push through “I struggle with running so much, but I know I just need to push myself to run faster and I can do it” said Huellet (’16).
Giving it your all and pushing yourself is essential for every team, “ I believe everyone gives it their all and pushes themselves very hard,  I am proud of each and every player for the effort they put into our team and the sport as a whole.” Said Hannah Jones (’16).
   The Huskies have done very well in their season from day one, “I am so proud of the amazing things our team has accomplished and I know we will only get better as time goes on” said Reinhard (’16).


NBA Playoffs

By Justin Leseth
Husky Herald Reporter

   The NBA playoffs started April 19th and each match up has provided plenty of action. The first seed in the West the San Antonio Spurs are up 3-2 against the same state rivals Dallas Mavericks.
   The first seed in the East Indiana Pacers got a surprising lost to the 8th seed Atlanta Hawks, the Pacers haven’t been playing very well lately so the Hawks have a better chance of winning the series.
   The rest of the match ups in the west Trailblazers vs. Rockets 3-2, Clippers vs. Warriors 3-2, and Thunder vs. Grizzlies 2-3.
  The rest of the match ups in the East are Bulls vs. Wizards 4-1, with the elimination of the Derrick Rose-less Chicago Bulls.
   The Raptors are up on the Nets 3-2, and the defending champs two-years-running Miami Heat beat the Bobcats 4-0, making it look easy so far.
   Can the Miami Heat win their third title in a row or will another team emerge as champions this year?
   There are several teams that are legitimate contenders in the west are the San Antonio Spurs who lost to the Heat the finals last year but are back even better this year with the best record in the league 62-20.
   The Los Angeles Clippers emerged as legit contenders this year with the help of Blake Griffin having his best year and star point guard Chris Paul.
   Then there the OKC with their star player Kevin Durant who is also having his best year averaging 32 points per game and proved he can still carry a team even with Russell Westbrook gone for a big part of the season.  
   The Portland Trailblazers have a chance this year with sophomore Damien Lillard and star Power forward Lamarcus Aldridge who is also having his best year.  
Kevin Durant is the guy to do it if there is a chance to take the title this year with Westbrook back.
   The Western conference is much stronger than the Eastern Conference and there are really only two legitimate contenders in the East, the Pacers and the Heat.
   The 9th seed Phoenix Suns are 48-34 that would tie for the 3rd seed in the East which a lot of people are not happy with because it makes it easier to get into the playoffs in the east.
   Let’s see if Kevin Durant can finally stop LeBron James and get his first title to prove he’s better than LeBron.


The Continuing of the Baccalaureate Tradition

By Trevor Lumpkins
Husky Herald Reporter

   This spring Port Huron Northern and Port Huron High are coming together to create a special ceremony to acknowledge seniors who are Christians. The Port Huron City class of 2014 has a lot of potential to help this area grow and prosper.
   This ceremony is called Baccalaureate. This is a ceremony to recognize the accomplishments that these soon to be graduates have completed.
   These students believe that without God in their lives they would not have been able to complete this journey. These four years would have been a lot harder without the good Lord helping them along the way.
   Ted Harvey is one of the leaders helping to set up this special night. Ted has been a part of Baccalaureate for over 20 years.
   “Every year we do this event it gets better and better. Each year is different and amazing in their own way,” said Harvey.
   Also helping out with Baccalaureate is Gordy Farnsworth. Gordy has been helping out with this night for many years.
   “This night is all about the students and we want to keep it that way. Whatever the students have to show, whether it be a skit, a song, dance, or even digital design, they will have a chance to show how the Lord has worked or blessed them in their lives,” said Farnsworth.
   Already there has been a lot of interest in students being involved in Baccalaureate. Emily Torres has already said she would like to sing in ceremony.
   In past years Baccalaureate has been a great success. The building is packed and there has always been a great turnout.
   Even though each year is different “we like to keep at least a little tradition” says Harvey. One thing that Ted likes to keep the same is having a pastor come and be the key note speaker.
   This speaker is not picked by being the “best speaker” or the “best pastor”. This person is picked by the students.
   If there is a senior that is involved with the event that has a parent who is a pastor, that is the person who is picked to be the speaker.
   Baccalaureate has been a great success in the past and “we hope to keep it going strong for future generations. We don’t want this to HAVE BEEN a great event; we want it to continue to BE a great event,” said Farnsworth. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Students Misusing Resources, Are Cheating Their Selves

By Thomas Saura
Husky Herald Reporter

  I can’t think of a better feeling than walking into your classroom and seeing you’re going to the computer lab. Oh man, comfortable seats with internet access in a different environment, plus there’s a good chance of no boring book work!
   Teachers go out of their way to come up with interesting and engaging lesson plans to make their extremely dry and plain subject a bit more intriguing. Whether that’s a simple flash game on the internet or some lengthy web quest, it’s all in good intentions to make your lives a little less dull.
   So I do not understand when some students get mad or upset that their teachers expect them to actually work. Too many students that are scheduled in the computer lab waste time by goofing off on the internet playing games, watching videos on YouTube, rolling around the computer lab to visit with friends, etc.
   It seems like some students heavily take advantage of the situation, treating it as an hour of “fun-time”. Last time I checked, you come to school to get an education, not to look up last week’s episode of your favorite web series.
   I am not saying it’s wrong to socialize and that everything needs to be consistent work, because there is time to socialize and catch up and do things you enjoy, but assignments come first. If most the kids in the class are working on their assignments and you decide to goof off with two or three friends, not only are you distracting the other students and wasting the time your teacher is giving you, but you’re cheating yourself.
   Now you’re going to have to work on your project on your personal time, when you could be doing things you actually enjoy, not some lame project you’re cramming in at 10 pm Sunday night. Now I can not write this without any blame, I have been there too, I think we all have.
   No one likes to do things last minute truthfully, it just stresses you out and gives you that much more of a burden on time. Just use the time appropriately so you d not tick your teacher off and irritate yourself later, it is not that difficult.