Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Husky Heroes Lending a Helping Hand

By Lacey Harris
Husky Herald Reporter   

  Heroes in the Hallway, now also known as Heroes, is a new program at Port Huron Northern. Heroes, is a program that deals with bullying and doing different things to help out the community.
   Heroes recently decided to change the name because of a few reasons. “We are starting to do more stuff in the community and doing more fundraisers around the school because we wanted to expand into the community rather than just around the school,” said Kaylee Kerrigan (’15).
   “I feel like changing the name will give off a different vibe. Everyone is pro for ‘anti-bullying’ club. I feel like changing it gives off more positive than negative,” said Nicole Tucker (’15).
   “I think Heroes is opening up the discussion of bullying and acknowledging it exists still. It is great that kids are helping out other kids.” said Gail Markopoulos.
   Recently Heroes went into the ninth grade ELA classes and spoke with them about bullying and the effects it can have on people. They talked to them about the bully, the victim and the bystander.
   “Talking to the ninth graders went really good and they were really interested and respectful.” said Kerrigan.
   “Most of the kids participated in the activity we had for them and when we were all up in the front talking the ninth graders were all very respectful and listening to us. And they were actually interested in what we were saying, we had their attention pretty well.” said Tucker.
   After talking to the ninth graders Heroes had a couple of students go to their councilors and ask to sign up because they wanted to be a part of the program.  
   For now, Heroes are doing some work around the school and helping out with different things around the community.
   Heroes is coming together really well. We have got a lot accomplished and we have a lot of plans for the next couple of months.
   The meetings are once a week usually on Fridays. The members are always welcoming new people and encourage students to get involved with helping out in the school and community.

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