Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Overloading Stress: Are Teachers Being Overbearing?

By Thomas Saura 
Husky Herald Reporter   
   As I go from class to class, taking in my daily lessons, I pick up every assignment only to be put on a stack as high as the Empire State Building. Assignment after assignment, building up to hours’ worth of homework.
   And the sad part is I don’t have any after-school responsibilities to fulfill. I do not have a part time job to go to, or college classes to attend. So I have no right to complain about the overload of teachers work, I have all the time in the world to do it.
   So what about the kids who don’t? The students that are dual-enrolled or have crazy manager at their dead end job who gives them insane hours working for little to nothing?
   I have the belief that teachers are giving students too much work and not taking the fact that there are other responsibilities to becoming a young adult. Many teachers forget to overlook the fact that we’re not little kids who go home and watch SpongeBob until Mommy gets home to make dinner.
   A large majority of my friends have part-time jobs that they can barely balance with their schooling, and a decent number of them NEED these jobs. Not all of them can leave school and go home to their parents’ house and make a nice snack, many of them have to run to work just so they can come home at 10 o’clock to a 1 bed room apartment with no furniture or trimmings.
   That is not even mentioning the days they do not work and have to attend 4 different college classes before the days even finished.
   I am not saying all teachers are unconcerned with student’s personal life, and it is not an easy task to just change their schedule for individuals. What I am asking for is for more teachers to be more relaxing on deadlines for their students’ assignments.
   For the students who have such cramped and busy schedules due to uncontrollable circumstances, better deadlines is a necessity to avoid stress overload. Not everyone is super-human; everyone needs breaks at some point. 

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