Monday, February 8, 2016

New Grade Policy affects Athletes

By Andrew Wit
Husky Herald Reporter

  The new grade policy at Port Huron Northern has affected many students in different ways. The fact that the administration checks students grades on Mondays instead of Fridays, the student no longer has the ability to work on his grades throughout the weekend. The student is just out of luck if he or she is unaware whether they are passing all of their classes or not.
  Unfortunately, sometimes teachers forget to put the grades into the grade book, but the administration does not know that. The administration doesn’t ask anyone they just assume that it is the student’s fault.
   “The new grade policy can be unfair because sometimes it isn’t the student's fault, sometimes the teachers forget to put the grades in the book. On the other hand, some kids just don’t do their work,” said Travis Hughes (17),  a junior at Port Huron Northern.
  Some students have no trouble with their classes or their teachers. Dakota Truscott, the captain of the Varsity hockey team, agrees.
  “Personally, I have not had any issues with not being able to play, but I have had a couple teammates that have experienced difficulties with their teachers not putting in grades. Most kids on the team have no issue but a select few have had some problems.” Truscott said.
  Some students wish that they would go back to the old grade policy where the administration checked the grades every Friday so they  had the weekend to work on their classes if they were behind.
  “I wish that the grade policy would be switched back because last year, there was an instance where I was missing an assignment and was unaware of it. The administration notified me and I was able to do my work over the weekend so I was able to play the following week,” said Garrett Yarger, a junior at Port Huron Northern.

  The majority of athletes want to have the old grade policy back due to the facts that they used to be able to work on the weekend, and sometimes the teachers forget to put the grades into the grade book.

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