Monday, February 8, 2016

How Social Media affects Society

By Lizzy Berra
Husky Herald Reporter

  Social media are some of the most popular sites that plague the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web.
  However, many will argue that social media hurts more than it helps.
  “It has a negative effect on people because it makes us less social in real life. We tend to be on our phones more often, even when being with others, instead of giving the person we are with our full attention,” Sammy Ziarko (‘16) said.
  People can target you for cyberbullying and harassment on social sites. School children, young girls, and women can fall prey to online attacks which can create tension and distress.
  “Social Media can be great if people use it correctly and what it is meant for. A lot of people get caught up in how many likes or comments they get on a selfie. People judge the pictures on whether the person is popular or not.” Alex Mayer (‘17) said.
   Productivity is also a problem that social media creates for teens and adults. Many individuals will put off work to check all their different social media pages.
  Finally, privacy is a huge issue social media poses on everyone. If one is not careful with the personal information they post, it can come back to haunt them. It gives others access to many details about a person that can be used in a harmful way.
  “I believe that social media should be used for good news stories and to make other people inspired. Unfortunately, a lot of people use it to make fun of others, complain, or get attention. Social media has affected me in a positive way because the people I follow are great influences on me,” Mayer said.
  On the other hand, social networking sites spread information faster than any other media. It also allows people to improve their relationships and make new friends.
  “I think social media has positively affected society because it gives us the opportunity to meet and reconnect with people from all over,” Ziarko said.
  Social media has its advantages and drawbacks and it is up to each user to use social sites wisely to enhance their professional and social life without falling victim to online dangers.

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