Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Students Give Their Opinion on Free Lunch at PHN

By Austin Richardson
Husky Herald Reporter

  When you look at the line ahead of you and have to decide on whether or not it’s worth waiting the extra time just to grab some lunch you might want to factor in the grant given to Port Huron Northern that gives free lunch and breakfast to the students.
  Every student has the opportunity to leave lunch with a full stomach but how does this truly affect Port Huron Northern students and their lunch time routine.  “I personally haven’t taken advantage of the free hot lunch but I’ve noticed that the lines are longer and the lunch room is more crowded but it’s nice to see everyone getting a healthy lunch” said Justin Gaddis(’17).
  It’s now an option this year for every student at Port Huron Northern to get a free lunch and a free breakfast with no strings attached. The lines are a little bit longer and the lunch ladies seem a little more stressed with all the extra people  but  even though I haven’t participated in the free lunch overall I think it’s a well-rounded idea with a lot of positives for everyone” said Curtis Issacson(’16).
  “It makes me happy to see the students lining up for lunch and out of all the years I’ve worked lunch and breakfast at Port Huron Northern this is the longest I’ve seen the lines in a while and I think it’s been a great addition to everything Port Huron Northern has to offer.”  Said Lori Mathews, lunch lady.
  It could be the wide variety of food that is offered between subs and a nacho bar or even some pizza every once in a great while or just the fact that the food is free, everyone seems happy so far with the free breakfast and lunch combo offered to the Port Huron Northern student body.
   The grant given to Port Huron Northern has truly made a difference in many ways from longer lunch lines and possibly more stressed lunch ladies, to more students having full stomachs throughout the day the grant has benefited the students in so many ways  and has given a great in look to how just the smallest things can make a difference in everyone's  life, no matter who they are or who they are provided to.

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