Monday, November 10, 2014

Google Docs Takes Over Microsoft Programs

By Curtis Tallmadge
Husky Herald Reporter

  Now that we've been in school for well over a month, everyone should know that we are using Google Docs for almost everything now. We have almost completely stopped using programs such as Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, etc.
  But the question is, is Google Docs actually better and easier than the traditional way of writing and doing projects in the computer lab?
  For one thing, Google Docs can be accessed any where as long as you have an internet connection, you can even check on your phone, this is a big plus over the old style, in the past you had to be on a school computer to access your work, so this is great.
  I interviewed a few students about their opinion on this new style, they all seemed to be positive about the change.
  “I think using Google Docs over Microsoft programs like Powerpoint or Word is a good thing, it’s really great being able to access something that you worked on at school at home without having to email it to yourself or use a flash drive,” said Russell Tenbusch (‘15).
  Another feature of Google Docs is the ability to share a project with someone else so they can both work on it simultaneously, this is very useful for partner or group assignments. “I had to do a group project where each of us needed to make our own Powerpoint slide about a certain topic, we used Google Docs to make a presentation and each of us worked on our slides all at the same time, we ended up finishing really quickly,” said Joe Putnik (‘15).
  Another student said “This year is the first I've ever actually used Google Docs, I’m used to using Microsoft Word and programs like that so I think it’ll take me some time to get used to it, but its pretty good so far,” said Tim Klaus (‘17).
  So in our school it seems as though the majority believes that migrating over to Google Docs is a welcome change that makes everyone's lives easier, this is something that everyone can get behind.

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