Friday, March 28, 2014

Port Huron Northern Men's Track Team is Sprinting Ahead

By Trevor Lumpkins
Husky Herald Reporter

   There are high hopes for the Men’s Port Huron Northern Track Team, with successful juniors returning back this year, there are elevated expectations. Senior captain, Ty Dickinson (’14), says he would like to “repeat as MAC White Dual meet and invitational champions.”
    “We have a lot of potential to do what we would like to do this year. Just have to stay healthy and keep working” says head coach, Craig Dickinson.
   Last year the Track team was dual-meet champions and they are fighting to do that again this year. With five returning seniors, who have been on varsity since their freshman year, they have high hopes for this up and coming season.
   In order for the team to be MAC champs they are going to need every runner, jumper, and thrower to train hard and compete with great determination.
   The guys have their heads set on making it to states this year. Matt Thomas (’15) is training to qualify in the 1600m run, along with Ty Dickinson (’14), Brad Mallory (’15), and Brett Parent (’14).
   Brad Hunt (’14) looks to qualify in the 800m run, along with Trevor Lumpkins (’14) who also looks to qualify in the 400m run. Alex Lubbers is training hard to qualify to run at the state meet in the 110 and 300m hurdles.
   If their luck runs short in qualifying individually some of the guys hope to qualify in relays. Brad Hunt, Ty Dickinson, Brad Mallory, and Trevor Lumpkins have a strong chance to qualify in the 4 x 800m relay for the outdoor track state meet.
   This team already ran in the indoor track state championships and broke the school record for the 4 x 800m relay with a time of 8:28.
   The 4 x 800 m relay team is the same team for the 4 x 400 m relay. Last year at the regional state qualifier the relay team missed qualifying for the state meet by .2 seconds.  

   This team has very high expectations for this upcoming outdoor season and they are working very hard to achieve their goals.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Be Proactive, and Do Not Spread the Sickness

By Thomas Saura
Husky Herald Reporter
   *Aaaaaahh-chooooo!, sniffle sniffle* Yep, that’s the sound of congestion beginning to settle in your lungs. A nice, hard sneeze is the perfect way to start off the morning, waking up to a brain-rattling release of mucus.
   You can feel the pressure building in your face and chest as you try to take a breath, only to be caught off guard by a deep, throat scratching cough. You now start to focus on your stomach as you realize just how queasy you have become overnight.
   You know it instantly, you’re getting sick. It’s inevitable and only going to get worse, but you have responsibilities right?
   You have to tough through it all, throw on some clothes and make your way to school. With it being crunch time towards the end of the semester, there’s no time to take a sick day, there’s work to be done.
   The problem now is you’re about to be a real pain in the bum to a lot of people because you’re about to get everyone else sick.
   Let’s be honest, no one likes to be sick and no one likes to have to make-up from missing school, but do you really think it’s worth getting all your other classmates sick so you can go sit in class and be more miserable than normal?
   With spring rolling on in, a season of allergies and sinus infections comes with it, meaning everyone and their brother is going to some way or another catch a cold. Do you really want to be that guy/gal that gets everyone sick?
   If you do decide to take a death stroll through the school, try and be courteous of others. Cover your sneezes and coughs, wash your hands regularly, and don’t drink/eat after others. 
   If not, do yourself a favor and get some rest. You know you don’t want to be here, and quite frankly, no one wants you here either. You can not expect to get better by going to school with a bunch of other germ-infested children.
   Be proactive and do not spread the sickness, take some time off and get yourself well. Do not get the rest of us sick, we will hate you.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The End of the Console Wars

By Jon May
Husky Herald Reporter
  There was a recent race happening around the world that has just about come to a close, with one thing pulling out in front. The recent console war has supposedly come to an end with one system “winning”, the PS4.
   I say supposedly because how do we really determine how a system “wins” a console war?
While interviewing a few students, they gave me a couple insights on what it takes to truly be on the top of the console wars.
   TJ Ruedisueli (’14) said, “I can see why people would want to buy the PS4 it’s cheaper than the Xbox One.” This is the common belief on why the PS4 is a better choice which may have ultimately led to it being the most sold console of the new generation of games.
   To back up what TJ said, overall the PS4 has sold around 2 million more units than the Xbox One. That’s roughly $840,000,000 more profit that Sony (the developers of the system) has over Microsoft. They are sold for a mere $400 whereas the Xbox one is sold for $500.
   However price and units sold are not the only things that determine whom exactly is the winner of a console race. Another Key factor is the amount of games sold.
   An insane 13.7 Million games have recently been sold by the PS4 with those numbers rising. A single game can impact the amount or kind of console that is being sold.
   Brian Tomiuk (’14) a PS4 owner has a say on this, “I bought a PS4 so I could play the new ghosts. I’m also looking forward to the new Watchdogs game. It’s one of the main reasons I bought the PS4.”
   Tomiuk is an exact proof that one game can lead to the sudden rise of a console being sold. The same can be said for the Xbox One.
   Titanfall a FPS that came out on March 11th 2014 has drastically increased Microsoft’s sales. It increased the sales of the Xbox one by 96%.
   Tom Coop (’14) says, “Titanfall is my favorite game for the Xbox One. I have been waiting for the release of Titanfall ever since the One came out.”
   So what console has truly won the console wars? Well both consoles are still brand new with hundreds more game franchises still waiting to release. For Xbox it’s the new Halo Game, for PS4 it’s the new 1984. 
   There is no true way to determine a winner for these console wars. As long as video games exist there will be a continuing controversy on which one is better, but for that question to be answered you will have to see for yourself.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Snow Forces Students Inside for Snowcoming

By Marie Mullally  
Husky Herald Reporter

Every year students at Port Huron Northern High School look forward to Snowcoming weekend. They are excited for the assembly, the games, and the dance.
  All of the members of each class come together for the weekend to compete against the other grades. “I like how competitive everyone gets,” said Sarah VanderHeuvel (’15).
   Other students agree with VanderHeuvel. “It is really nice to see the class spirit in all of the students,” said Amy Tseng (’14).
   Overall, the pep assembly is one of the students’ favorite events. “The schools enthusiasm makes the assembly really fun,” explained Anu Nandi (’15).
   The Snowcoming games this year were quite different from ones in the past. Due to winter weather, the games were moved inside.
   Students had mixed feelings about the games being moved indoors this year. Some think that having the games indoors takes away from the whole meaning of the games.
   “I didn’t like it,” replied VanderHeuvel when asked how she felt about the games being moved inside. “It was not as fun or the same,” she explained.
   Tseng felt the same way. “I didn’t like it because it cut volleyball short,” she said.
   On the other hand, some students liked having the games indoors. “I liked that it was inside because no one froze!” explained Nandi.
The teachers appreciated it too. The adults who volunteered to help did not have to stand out in the freezing cold all morning.
   Another exciting part of Snowcoming weekend is the dance. Although not as popular as the Homecoming dance, it is still a fun event for students to participate in.
   When asked about the dance, students’ answers varied.
   “I attended the dance this year because it’s super fun every year,” said VanderHeuvel. “I think that because it’s a lot smaller than Homecoming, it is more fun,” she finished.
   The majority of students did not attend the dance this year.
   “I didn’t go because I did not feel like going this year,” replied Nandi.
   “I didn’t go because I didn’t feel like dressing up for the dance,” said Tseng.
   Overall, Snowcoming was still pretty successful this year. Even though the games ended up being indoors, students still had as much fun as they usually do on Snowcoming weekend.

Bowling For a Cause

By Dallas Chicone
Husky Herald Reporter

   Looking for something fun and great to do on Sunday, March 23? Sunday’s are boring so flex your muscles and train your aim by getting out of the house and helping out a great cause by attending a PHN’s bowling fundraiser.
   Kathryn Brooks (’15) and Olivia Bell (’15) are hosting PHN’s Relay for Life Bowling Fundraiser on Sunday, March 23 at 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Blue Water Bowl, 2419 Lapeer Road in Port Huron Township.
   Tickets are $15 which includes two friendly and competitive games of bowling, bowling shoes, and a chance to win great door prizes. Buy tickets ahead of time because there will be no tickets sold at the door. There will only be sixty Tickets sold, so get yours today!
   Some of the great door prizes that you will have the chance to win are: a Buffalo Wild Wings gift certificate, Carmike Cinema movie passes, signature manicure from Spa 223, and hair coloring and cut from a Salon.
   “It’s going to be really fun and it’s for a great cause,” says Brooks (’15). “Our goal is to raise $1000 for Relay for Life”.
   “I’m going, it’s going to be a great experience,” says Jack Trimble (’14). “It’s for a great cause that will help out cancer victims and it’s something fun to do on a Sunday.”
   “All proceeds go to Relay for Life which is an organization that raises money for research and helps better the lives of those affected by cancer,” Brooks says. Brooks is one of 4 Million people in 20 different countries to raise much-needed funds and awareness to save the lives of cancer victims.
    Help a cause by coming to the PHN Relay for Life Bowling Fundraiser on March 23. If you want to purchase a ticket contact Kathryn Brooks, Olivia Bell, or stop by Mrs.Houle’s room. 
   If you have any questions or concerns with anything feel free to contact Kathryn Brooks by emailing her at or visit the Relay for Life’s website for more information on this great event.
   Don’t miss out! Get your tickets today!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Taking the Stage at PHN Idol

By Alex Budd
Husky Herald Reporter

    Hearts pounded as contestants for PHN idol took the stage in Port Huron Northern’s PAC. “I was respectfully nervous, I wanted to do well.” Said Emily Torres (’14).
   PHN Idol was a chance for students to compete against other student’s singing to win a prize. “There were some great musicians and I didn't think I would win but I won the year before and it was a great memory for my senior year.” Said Torres (’14.)
   The contestants worked very hard coming up to their performances, “I practiced a couple days before” said Ally Evenson (’15). “I worked so hard, but once again not to win” said Torionna Samar (’16).
   Although everyone was competing against each other for the win they were still encouraging to their fellow contestants. “I just did it for the experience; I didn't really want to win. I love every single person who competed and was probably more happy for them than they were themselves!” said Samar (’16).
   Everyone’s song choices ranged from a variety of songs, some written by the singer and some old legendary songs. “I sang the song Galaxy; it’s a positive song that reflects on me. It speaks of positivity and it’s an inspirational song.” Said Torres (’14). “I sang The First Time Ever, I Saw Your Face, I picked it because it’s one of my favorite songs of all time and I thought I’d take a shot at it.” Said Evenson (’15).
   Not only were the contestant’s nervous to sing in front of a crowd but they also has the pressure of being judged by the PHN Idol judges ( Mr. Arena, Mr. Labelle and Mrs. Labelle). “I feel like everyone worked hard and gave it their all because it was brave of them to get up there and do that.” Said Evenson (’15).
   All in all PHN Idol went really great, with Emily Torres taking the win and Ally Evenson taking second place.
“I love to sing for people, my favorite part of the whole thing was to see my friend’s band play at the end.”

( Moriya Dejuses taking the stage as one of the contestants of PHN Idol)