Monday, March 17, 2014

Taking the Stage at PHN Idol

By Alex Budd
Husky Herald Reporter

    Hearts pounded as contestants for PHN idol took the stage in Port Huron Northern’s PAC. “I was respectfully nervous, I wanted to do well.” Said Emily Torres (’14).
   PHN Idol was a chance for students to compete against other student’s singing to win a prize. “There were some great musicians and I didn't think I would win but I won the year before and it was a great memory for my senior year.” Said Torres (’14.)
   The contestants worked very hard coming up to their performances, “I practiced a couple days before” said Ally Evenson (’15). “I worked so hard, but once again not to win” said Torionna Samar (’16).
   Although everyone was competing against each other for the win they were still encouraging to their fellow contestants. “I just did it for the experience; I didn't really want to win. I love every single person who competed and was probably more happy for them than they were themselves!” said Samar (’16).
   Everyone’s song choices ranged from a variety of songs, some written by the singer and some old legendary songs. “I sang the song Galaxy; it’s a positive song that reflects on me. It speaks of positivity and it’s an inspirational song.” Said Torres (’14). “I sang The First Time Ever, I Saw Your Face, I picked it because it’s one of my favorite songs of all time and I thought I’d take a shot at it.” Said Evenson (’15).
   Not only were the contestant’s nervous to sing in front of a crowd but they also has the pressure of being judged by the PHN Idol judges ( Mr. Arena, Mr. Labelle and Mrs. Labelle). “I feel like everyone worked hard and gave it their all because it was brave of them to get up there and do that.” Said Evenson (’15).
   All in all PHN Idol went really great, with Emily Torres taking the win and Ally Evenson taking second place.
“I love to sing for people, my favorite part of the whole thing was to see my friend’s band play at the end.”

( Moriya Dejuses taking the stage as one of the contestants of PHN Idol)

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