Friday, November 22, 2013

What's up with all this Nonsense?

By Thomas Steinhauer 
Husky Herald Reporter

  Are you sick of all the nonsense in your very own school? Are you sick of going to class and learning nothing? Are you sick of going to lunch and having to wait hours, maybe days, upon end for a simple meal? Well it is time you do something about it.
   Jordan Callahan (’15) says, “I don’t even go to school because I don’t learn anything.” Others disagree, such as Grover Cox (’15). Cox stated, “You will only learn if you try. The teachers do their best to put students in the position to succeed. It’s up to the student if they want to try.
   The question we are all asking is, is there actually nonsense in the school?
   Students seem to be a big part of the nonsense in today’s world. The lunch is one problem. To be specific, it's the length of the lines. Students are puzzled about why they are so long.
   One student, Zack Sommers (’15) says, “The lines are probably so long because of the cutting.  If people were patient the lines would be way better.”
  That would explain why you seem to stay in the same place for what seems like ever.
  That is a theory that is worth taking seriously. Others say that the lines are long because there are too many people. Who knows which one is right?
   Clinton Massey (’15) says, “That there are too many people in C lunch. If some of the people from A lunch went to C the problem would be fixed.”
  Others think that the freshman should not get their own lunch. Maybe if the four grades were spread out into the three lunches equally, they would not be so hectic. These are all great solutions to what seems to be the biggest nonsense problem at Port Huron Northern.
   So between lazy students, crazy students, and just your average students, there is a lot of nonsense in Port Huron Northern High School.
   The events range from paranormal sightings to long lunch lines, but if we work together as one, we can change the nonsense into positive and productive behavior.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

College Week Misses the Mark With Students

By Jon May
Husky Herald Reporter

   College is a means of new level of education for high school students. There they meet new people, begin to prepare for their future, and learn to live as an independent adult. For the majority of senior year, students stress about applying to colleges, working on getting grades up, meanwhile, some just sit back and relax without any idea on what exactly they are going to do with their future.
   The thing about college week, was that some students were completely unaware that this so called “college week” was even happening. Brian Tomiuk (’14) had no idea when or what it even was. “I have a half day every day, because I only have three classes. I didn’t hear much about College Week while here.”  
   The purpose of college week was to persuade high school seniors to start applying to colleges before November 1st, for early admissions, so that they could get the most money from finical aid.
   The school came up with the idea of a raffle, allowing the students a chance at winning a brand new fridge for their college dorm.  Instead of normal raffle tickets students had to have previously applied to colleges, and these college applications would be their raffle tickets.
   Allie Sweeney’s (’14) response to this raffle was “It was cool that students could be rewarded for having applications turned in. Winning a fridge for your dorm is really convenient.”  James Oberymer (’14) also agreed about the raffle being a good way to persuade students, “I think it’s a good way to get everyone excited about going to college.”
   Some people used this college week time for other things. Emily Kraniak does not have a lot of time to devout to applying to colleges because she is always so busy. “I liked college week because I was able to finish applications that I didn’t have time for because I work so much.”
   The inconvenient part about college week was that some students still planned on applying to colleges. Some people are still waiting for other things, such as an ACT score, or still are unsure of their major.
   Cary Luke (’14) thinks that they should have College Week twice a year. “I think it’s pretty cool to have, but I think they should have it later in the year. I realize it’s trying to encourage people to get their applications in early, but not everyone can do that, and then they are left out.”
  Juniors remember to get your college applications in as soon as you can so you can have a fair chance at obtaining next year’s prize.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Spirit Week Adds Pep for Homecoming

By Eric Land
Husky Herald Reporter

  Spirit week is an important and fun experience for all of the Port Huron Northern students and staff.  The students and some of the more outgoing staff dress up in various outfits depending on the day, some will make you laugh and others will impress you by their school spirit.
   “My favorite day for spirit week this year was toga day, it was pretty chill. Knowing that I got compliments every six minutes, I say that toga day was a success and I hope we do it next year” said Garrett Lance(’16).  This spirit week and Port Huron Northern was a success and Lance had nothing to complain about when he said, “All of the days for spirit week were fun and I am fine with the days we did.”
Northern students participating in Tourist Day
(From left to right: Paige Christensen ('14),
Adam Stout ('14), Rizzabele Sanchez ('14),
Megan Dewey ('14), and Bailey Papes ('14))
Photo by Cortney Roles
   If you could add your own day, what would you make it? “We should have a day where everyone skips school, and it’s for obvious reasons” said Lance. 
   “I would like to have opposite gender day at school for spirit week because it makes everyone laugh and it’s a fun day where you actually want to go to school” said Sam Wagner (’14).
   Opinions will vary on which days people liked the best and the least, and for Wagner, “I liked tourist day a lot because I was able to wear my fresh Hawaiian shirt, and you can’t forget about those awesome fanny packs!”
   “All of the days for spirit week were fun, but my least favorite would have been toga day but only for the reason that I couldn’t make a toga” said Wagner.
   Spirit week has always been fun for every member of Northern staff, it does not matter if you are a freshman or a senior, or even a teacher; you will have a good week.  On Friday, towards the end of the day, all grades come together to go against each other in various games and activities. 
   There is a grape toss, tug-a-war, the obstacle course, and the always-fun-to-watch and probably the most entertaining for most, the dance competition.  All grades show their school spirit and cheer on their fellow classmates to see who the best is. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Tigers May Have Lost The Game, But They Will Never Lose Their Roar

By Payton Schieman
Husky Herald Reporter

 The Detroit Tigers, after losing in the World Series in 2012, were disappointed and looked to improve in 2013.  With new right fielder, Torii Hunter, and Victor Martinez, coming back after a knee injury in 2012, looked to bounce back.
   Dallas Chicone (‘15) Tigers fan says that, “The 2013 tigers have what it takes to win it all; we just have to put all the talent together.” The Tigers have the fourth highest paid team in the majors and have a lot of pressure on them.
   Torii Hunter was a free agent after the 2012 season and all of the teams wanted him. Hunter’s son, Torii Hunter Jr, committed to play football at the University of  Notre Dame, so Hunter wanted to come somewhere close to the university so it was an easy decision to come to Detroit.
   At the All-Star break, the Tigers were in first place in their division, right where they wanted to be. Kyle Burch (‘15) said, “Half way through the year they looked like the best team I had ever seen.” 
   The American league won the all-star game which means that whoever would make it to the World Series would have home field advantage. 
   Miguel Cabrera, Tiger’s all-star, MVP, Triple Crown winner, and 3 time batting champion, got hurt halfway through the year.  No one knew what the injury was or how serious it was.
   Even though Cabrera was hurt, he still played, trying to win his second triple crown. Leading in batting average and RBI’s, he was trying catch up to Chris Davis of the Baltimore Oriels.
   Heading into September the Tigers had a five game lead on the second place Indians of Cleveland. Erich Elliott (‘14) said, “I am feeling pretty confident about the Tigers right now hopefully they can win it this year”
   The Tigers clinched with 5 games left in the season making it their 3rd Postseason in a row.
    Heading into to the playoffs facing the Athletics of Oakland, Chicone said, “They are a scary but beatable team, it should be a good series.”
   Game three series tied at 1-1 the Athletics scored six runs and won the game. The Tigers were down in the series 2-1.
   The Tigers came back and won the series. They moved on to the ALCS against Boston, but in game six against Boston, they lost, falling short of the world series again.           


"Runner Runner" Making People Walk To The Theaters

By Alyssa Ayers
Husky Herald Reporter

   Runner Runner, directed by Brad Furman, written by Brian Koppelman and David Levien, hit the box office October 4, 2013, raking in $7,706,712 opening weekend. That was a major flop compared to Gravity that opened the same weekend and made $55,785,112. To me this flop was justified by the film quality.
   The film stars were Ben Affleck, Justin Timberlake, and Gemma Arterton.
   To be short and sweet the film is about a Princeton Grad student, Richie Furst (Justin Timberlake), who gambles his savings away on an online gambling site, hoping to win money to pay for tuition. He does research on the gambling site he was on and figured out that he was cheated by the site.
   He goes to Costa Rica to confront online gambling tycoon, Ivan Block (Ben Affleck), and gets pulled into the lavish lifestyle that comes with the good and the bad.
   In my opinion Runner Runner is an okay film. It has a somewhat interesting story line with a little twist at the end. But to be honest it did not hold my attention throughout the whole 91 minutes it played.
   There were some parts that I feel were just time fillers and unnecessary. I’m glad I saw it, but I definitely would not watch it again.
   Do not get me wrong it was not all bad. There were some good situations and interesting relationships that developed throughout the film.
   If you were excited to see this movie and planned on seeing it in theaters I would suggest waiting until it comes out for rent. I just do not feel like it is worth a movie ticket to see in theaters.
   From some other reviews I have heard or read, it seems my conclusion that this movie was not very good is the same conclusion other people have come to as well.
   I wish this movie would have been better considering the actors that were in it. So again, if you are considering seeing this movie before it leaves theaters I would advise against it and suggest waiting for it to come out on DVD.
   Ultimately I would give Runner Runner three out of five stars.