Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What's Up With Smoothie Sales?

   By Marie Mullally
   Husky Herald Reporter
     Ever wonder why Students for a Healthy America (SHA) has fruit smoothie sales? When asked this question, new club member Joseph Mullally (’17) guessed that it was because they are probably delicious or just to raise money.
     While those are both good guesses, and actually are correct, the club has other motives at the root of these lunchtime favorites.  Even though the strawberry smoothies are remarkably delicious and SHA has used these very successful sales to raise funds for the club, there is more to the story.
     “Students for a Healthy America has always worked to educate students about making good choices including an active lifestyle and a healthy diet,” Sarah VanderHeuvel (’15) stated. “Over the years the club has been making presentations to high school, middle school and grade school students about the consequences of bad choices and the risk of developing Type II Diabetes.” she explained.
     A few years ago, in addition to the club’s presentations, they decided to add some practical examples students could use to make healthier food choices. Most Northern students have had the opportunity to see SHA’s presentations in their Health class during the semester’s Health Fair.
     Andrea Simon(’14) described how the idea of having bake sales at lunch as fundraisers evolved into an opportunity to show students healthy and tasty lunch choices that they could make at home. “We figured since we are the Students for a Healthy America club so we can’t have unhealthy bake sales.” Simon (’14) said, “And if we make something healthy that tastes really good people will make them at home too.”
     “It is a fun club to be in.” Mullally (‘17) said, “And we are helping to make a difference in our school and our community.” He also commented that the club has cool T-shirts.
     Students for a Healthy America also started the popular fruit and low-fat yogurt parfait sales at lunch as another healthy option that could be copied at home. This club is doing a helpful and cool service for the school and the community, and they hope many students will have lasting benefits from their presentations and sales.

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