Monday, October 28, 2013

Powerlifting: Picking Things Up and Putting Things Down

By Jon May
Husky Herald Reporter

    Getting stronger, faster and more define in ones physique is a part of life. For the powerlifting team it is not just a way of life but a sport; a way of competing against other schools.
   The powerlifting team is run by Coach Connell. Some students on the team would include Damien Haeck (’14), Brandon Adair (’14) and Justin Fox-Bryer (’14).
   Brandon Adair has enjoyed powerlifting for three years. “This will be my 4th year” said Adair “Mostly I enjoy the competition; I enjoy putting things above my head”.    
   This is a common joke used around the team, like Fox-Bryer says “I joined powerlifting because I like to put things up and put them down.” Haeck says “Anyone can join powerlifting” Assuming they have the right grades, and discipline required for every sport.   
   The powerlifting season occurs in the winter after football, soccer, and golf. The team size is average for a sport. “About 15 plus people come out every year” said Haeck. The team travels to several schools on every Saturday to go and get stronger. “The meets occur in any eligible High School” said Fox-Bryer.
   There are three main exercises that occur during meets, Dead lift, Bench, and Squat. Squatting uses almost all parts of the legs so you will be able to use a very heavy amount on them. Bench uses almost all parts of the arms, and Dead lift uses both the arms and legs and is the hardest exercise in powerlifting.
   Powerlifting like many other sports is 90% mental and 10% physical. What does this mean? This means that one has to be in the right state of mind in order to perform their best in this competitive sport, while also having some physical ability.

   Although anyone can join, powerlifting may not be for everyone. Only those that have the correct state of mind should join. Without the correct state of mind one won’t perform their own maximum potential. So if one feels like they are able and ready to join the power lifting team make sure to be both physically and ably ready for this club. 

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