Thursday, May 5, 2016

Reeling in this year's catch

By Corey Wilczynski
Husky Herald Reporter

  The wait is over and the weather is cracking. Fishing season is finally upon us folks. Grab a fishing pole and head down to the river.
  “This fishing season should be a great one! There wasn't as much ice this year as the past years so hopefully it didn't hurt the fish like the past years,” Zach Helton (‘16).
  The past few years the fishing population has went down and also hasn't been the greatest. Many think it is due to the thick ice we've had of the past couple years.
  “I’ve went out fishing a couple times this year and so far i've done really well. With this warm rain we've had it’s brought a lot of fish of the creeks,” Adam Cook (‘16).
  “I love going out spearing for suckers. The warm rain has made this spearing season extremely good,” Jacob Schroeder (‘16).
  “I’m so excited to  get back out fishing. That’s one of my favorite things to do is go out with friends and catch a couple fish,” Justin Baker (‘16).
  “I’ve been waiting for so long to go fishing because I didn't get to go out much last year. This year i'll be out fishing every week,” Rease Fulton (‘16).
  This fishing season should be good because of the early warm weather. It may not be though because of the hot and then cold weather but who knows until they get out.
  This spearing season was delayed a while though because of the heavy rains we’ve had. Too much water in the creeks and rivers makes it hard to see the fish.
  “I’ve had great luck spearing on the times i’ve went out with my dad. We got about 21 all together. Definitely better this year than the  past years i've went out,” Bo Devroy (‘16).
  The fishing season can’t really be determined by anyone because everyone fishes differently and has their own special spot. The only way to know if it’s good is to grab a fishing pole and head out to the river.
  Don’t wait too long though and miss the best time. Grab some worms and go catch some fish!

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