Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Students Raise Money to Fund Our Floor

By Neve Mcnutt
Husky Herald Reporter

  Last year during February of 2015, Assistant Principal of Port Huron Northern High School, Jason Kasparian set out on a new mission. Determined to re-model the 50 year-old gym floor of Port Huron Northern High School, he began a campaign in order to raise money to put toward the fund of the estimated cost of $120,000.
  Kasparian began by asking only $5 a piece from community members to help “Fund Our Floor” but that was just the beginning.
  A junior at Port Huron Northern High School, Jenna Koppinger (‘17) decided to contribute to helping the remodeling of the new gym floor to beat the deadline of October 2nd for the campaign. “I wanted to work towards something for our school and the Fund Our Floor campaign is what really needed the student’s help.” Koppinger said.
  Koppinger coordinated a walk-a-thon fundraiser to raise money. The walk-a-thon took place on September 26th and the walk started from Port Huron Northern High School all the way to Holland Woods Middle School and back with 40 participating members.
  With help from Kiana Votava (‘16) and Kendyl Keyes (‘17), Koppinger and Kasparian together raised a total $10,000 from the funds donated just from the community.
  “The walk was long and chilly but it was definitely worth it.” Votava said.
  An additional 9 different sponsors donated $10,000 a piece. The sponsors consisting of Kelly Law Firm, Zimmer Roofing, Michigan Driving School, Lake Huron Medical Center, McLaren Hospital of Port Huron, SEMCO Energy, Talmer Bank, Coney Island, and PHN Athletic Boosters. In return for their generous donations, each sponsor will have their own spot on the new gym floor for their logo to be placed for a time period of 10 years.
  To help finally reach the magnificent goal of $120,000 the Port Huron Area School District also donated $10,000 to the Fund Our Floor campaign. “Without the help and generosity from all of our kind sponsors, the goal would have been impossible to reach.” said Koppinger.
  The new gym floor will be installed over the summer of 2016 to be prepared for the fresh new school year of 2016-2017.

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