Monday, April 14, 2014

If you could change one thing about PHN, what would it be?

By Molly Capadagli
Husky Herald Reporter 

Riley Snowden (’15)

If there was one thing I could change about PHN it would be probably be the way everyone treated each other because like you can tell, some people that just act like they’re better than everyone else and there is some people who are kind and would help anyone who needed help in the school. I wish there were more people like that, because all those little acts of kindness count.”

Emily Gates (’14)

 “I would change off campus lunch because I feel like everyone does it anyways and food locations are right by the school. Not only would I want that to change but also longer lunches. The line at lunch is so long you only have like 15 minutes to eat and chat.”

Hannah Middleton (’16)

“If I could change one thing about Port Huron Northern it would have to be how people think about sports. Everyone thinks football is the number one sport, when in reality tennis, girls’ basketball and boy’s baseball has the most talent. I really don’t think people realize that.”

Jordan Tomlinson (’17)

 “Longer lunches because we can have more time to mingle and eat our lunch. “

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